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Beauty Of Wool
Beauty Of Wool
Beauty Of Wool
Wool is a unique natural fibre that has been used for thousands of years to improve the way we live. Over the centuries, its properties have been recognised to produce a wonderful array of wool carpets that have decorated any number of homes down the centuries, from an ornate woven masterpiece in a palace to a simple hearth rug as a focal point in a rural cottage.

But why is wool the best fibre for carpet? Well, there are too many reasons to mention in one simple list! However, some of the key benefits are:
Wool Retains its Natural Springiness
wool springiness
The photo above shows a bale of wool after it has been opened up. You can see in the top right hand corner of the image some bales that have still not been opened, so just look at how much bigger the opened bale is compared to the sealed ones! Manufacturers need to use steel wire to keep the bale secure – other materials are simply not strong enough. What this means is, when used in a carpet, this natural springiness ensures that the carpet will recover from many forms of pressure – walking, sofa legs, table legs and so on – keeping the carpet looking great for many, many years.
Wool is Easy to Maintain
Wool is really resistant to soiling and day-to-day stains. Think about as the fleece is growing on the sheep's body, and the various substances that it comes into contact with. Then think about how it protects the sheep from all of these things and doesn't change colour or peel away as a result of coming into contact with these things. Well, these natural characteristics are transferred into the carpet, meaning that so many things that the carpet comes into contact with – dust, soil, dirt – simply sit on the surface and are easily removed with regular vacuuming.
wool easy to maintain
The image above shows how wool repels liquids so they sit on top of the carpet and can be easily mopped up: they are not absorbed into the fibre, making it so much harder to remove the liquid.
Wool is Non-Flammable
wool non flammable
wool non flammable
Wool doesn’t catch fire! The reason for this is that the way it is constructed means that it would need more oxygen that there is in the atmosphere to actually catch fire. So, if you drop a match on a wool carpet, it will smoulder for a while before extinguishing itself.
The above images are a real example of a piece of coal being thrown out of a fire, landing on the carpet, and the stain being removed by gentle rubbing with a coin – pretty amazing, don’t you think?
There are many more features of wool – its natural ability to absorb odours, its sustainability, its ability to help regulate moisture in the atmosphere, and so on. For more information regarding the Beauty of Wool, please visit:
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